Jan 7, 2009

Waves of Generosity

If I am honest, I must admit that one of the greatest challenges for me in making the decision to go to South Asia was fundraising. Even though I strongly believe in the purpose and value of IJM's work, asking others to support me made me feel a little bit like a parasite. Yet, not only do I feel the calling is well worth the discomfort of fundraising but also the knowledge that I am only able to do this because others gave is a heavy conviction. In fact, it fills me with a drive to work later and harder than I might otherwise have worked. It also lets me see God's oversight in the process.

Again, seeking honesty, I admit that I had certain expectations of certain donors for my work. In a practical sense, I used these estimates to calculate how much support I thought I would be able to raise. Since then, I have been overwhelmed by the response. Those from whom I anticipated large gifts gave tremendous gifts, those whom I thought might give gave generous gifts, and those I did not even send materials to contacted me and found a way to give without my solicitation. Churches, family, friends, and sometimes mere acquaintances gave and continue to give. In short, this fundraising campaign has so far exceeded my expectations that my only available responses are humility, sincere gratitude, work ethic, and faith in God.

I guess I try to take control with each part of this work with IJM. And, I guess, God continues to send messages that He will handle it, if I will only trust Him. I've found that it is much easier to learn these lessons when God uses His people to intervene my life because His presence and His actions are undeniably proclaimed by their actions.

So, thank you for giving, and rest assured that no gift went unappreciated and that each gift made me want to work that much harder and brought that much more peace to me about my work in South Asia. What a way to start the new year!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

That is so wonderful! I was just looking for the giving instructions myself. :-) Have you raised your full amount that you needed? If not, please tell me where to find the giving instructions. I'm so excited for you as you follow God in this huge step of faith!!! My prayers are with you as you change the world. I know you will!